Everyone has the right to a legal defence.

Exceptional legal services

Solving problems is our speciality

Criminal Law

We are always ready to help, whether you are the defendant or the victim. Our goal is to ensure that you receive fair treatment from the preliminary investigation all the way through to the main court hearing.

Our clients receive expert criminal defence and the best possible outcome at trial. 

Facing criminal charges can be stressful and damaging. Being convicted of an offence could have potentially life-changing consequences; it is therefore crucial that you have experienced criminal defence lawyers, right from the outset, to defend your rights.

For victims of crime, i.e., the injured party, we prepare compensation claims, which are presented during the main hearing. We have experience in many different types of criminal trial, such as homicides, sexual crimes, fraud offences, robberies, assaults and serious drug offences.

Family and Inheritance Law

We offer expert assistance in drafting wills and deeds. With a carefully prepared deed from our office, you can avoid undesirable tax consequences and potentially problematic situations in the future; for example, in the distribution of an estate.

In addition to wills, we assist clients in drawing up deeds of gift, prenuptial agreements and powers of attorney.

Parental Disputes

In divorce situations, questions surrounding child custody, visitation rights, housing or alimony often culminate in disputes between the parents. Sometimes, the only option is to file an application with the district court to address the issue at hand.

We will assist you in preparing the application and in any follow-up mediation sessions; then, if you cannot reach an agreement with the other party, we will be by your side throughout district court proceedings.

Immigration Law

We have successfully handled countless residence permit and asylum cases over the years. Our multilingual team communicates with clients in their own language whenever possible, removing language barriers and enabling smooth communication. Our thorough investigation of each individual case ensures legal protection for our clients.

We are highly experienced in appealing decisions issued by the Immigration Office and defending appeals in court. We take care of preparing your appeal and, if necessary, we will take your case all the way to the Supreme Administrative Court.

Reparations and Disputes

There are many types of disputes, such as employment, consumer, rent, company, neighbour or inheritance disputes. In such cases, we begin by surveying the matter and assessing your chances of success; this also clarifies whether there is any possibility for reconciliation between the parties involved. We will then prepare a lawsuit on your behalf and pursue your case through the courts, as well as responding to any counterclaims that may arise.

Business Law

Our team at VSC has years of experience in advising businesses on a wide range of commercial law matters.

For business owners, it is crucial to understand the commercial agreements involved in any business venture. Whether you need to draft your first terms and conditions agreement or require a complex agreement review, we are here to help. We also advise our business clients on entering into partnerships, ownership of shares in a business, and the legalities of establishing a new business in Finland.


Arbitration can be used to resolve business conflicts quickly and efficiently. Depending on the situation, the arbitration process can take from several months to a year, but a dispute in lower courts may last several years. The arbitration procedure is confidential and concerns only the parties involved in the case.

Public Procurement and Competition Law

We can assist your company in filing a rectification claim if a procurement decision has been made in violation of Finnish public procurement law. If necessary, we will pursue your case all the way to the Market Court.


High-quality contracts are essential for smooth business operations. Whether you need a customer contract, a supply contract, a subcontracting contract, a company foundation contract, or any other type of contract related to your business, we will handle the drafting, review and negotiation for you. Our expert team will ensure that all contracts are clear, legally valid and protect your company's interests.

Frequently asked questions

You ask, we answer

How long does it usually take to process legal matters?

The processing time varies depending on the case, but we do our best to resolve each case as quickly as possible. We will always keep you informed about the progress of your case.

What do I need to bring with me to the meeting with the legal office?

It is a good idea to bring any relevant documents relating to your case so that we can review them together.

How often do I need to contact my law firm?

We have an obligation to contact clients whenever there is something relevant to their case to pass on, e.g., when a decision has been made, further information is required, or any other relevant matter needs to be addressed. We are, of course, at your disposal – you can contact us with questions as and when they arise.

Can I trust your law firm to keep my case confidential?

Yes – we have a professional duty to keep our conversations with clients confidential. We are fully compliant with Finnish and European codes of conduct for lawyers regarding duty of confidentiality.

Where to start?

Get in touch

We are here to provide comprehensive solutions to your legal problems. A problem shared is a problem halved – give us a call today, and we’ll discuss the next steps.